picoCTF Writeup
Some challenges from picoCTF for beginners.
Some challenges from picoCTF for beginners.
Attacking and Defending Active directory
Yesterday CERT.GOV.GE hosted CyberCube 2020 in Georgia. The Olympiad was hosted online for the first time,Due to COVID19.Exercises were kinda CTFish, but it was a lot of fun. I decided to share some of them with you. Final.txt We are given txt file,we should investigate it and get the flag. Running file against it prints that it’s an ASCII text.After looking at cat output it looks like base64 encoded data. So i decoded it and redirected output to final2.txt cat final.txt | base64 -d > final2.txt It looks like hex, we can reverse it to binary with xxd: Running It prints a flag м®.яøß()7 We are given a link to youtube video, that we can download as an avi file via github from description. So i downloaded file and ran file, binwalk and 7z against it Output shows that there’s hidden file important.txt that can be extracted, although it’s password protected. Going back and rewatching the video we see password Dylan_2791 Extract files with 7z and we get the flag Magic-Zip We are g...
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