0x70sec’s Journey to Try Harder - Guide for PWK/OSCP
Hi! I’m 0x70sec
I’m gonna tell you a little about myself, My experience of OSCP
, Share some useful thoughts and links.
A Little About Me
I’m Cyber Security enthusiast from Georgia.I’ve dropped out of university in 2019 and started preparing for OSCP
I knew a little bit of networking, programming and web.After a few months of preparation i took PWK course for 1 month and got my oscp in May.
I took 1 month of PWK course, Did all the exercises and compromised all of the lab machines.If you have 7-8+ hours free time a day it should be enough for you too.
Advices for Lab:
- Don’t use metasploit for every exploit, some exploits need tweaking(Hardcoded IP,Compiling issues..) and you should be able to work with code,change it.
- Don’t use forum hints if you aren’t stuck for a day or two
- Don’t use Kernel exploits if it’s not intended way of PE
- Take Notes
- Communicate with other students/staff
I took Exam on a daylight at 13:00 and Finished it in 10 hours,compromised 5/5 machines.
Advices for Exam:
- Use AutoRecon
- Manage Time
- Avoid Rabbit Holes
- Take Breaks
- Double Check Everything
Final Thoughts/Links
There’s so many Great OSCP
Reviews/Preparation guides,that i think a few thoughts and links should be enough.
My experience of OSCP was great,I learned a lot, I can’t recommend this course enough, especially now that they added more resoursces/lab machines.In short Ippsec helped me a lot TJNull’s List, i was doing HTB/Vulnhub machines and watching ippsec before i took course.Follow Subreddit for more resources.